A Survivor’s Story

Cassandra Harvey is the hero of this story.

She was neglected by the very systems put in place to protect her. It left her vulnerable. Human traffickers and their criminal associates soon came circling like sharks.

She was tortured. She was abused emotionally, physically and sexually. They tried to drown her in a sea of financial debt.

But she refused to die in the depths.

She survived.

Now a happy mother of two, she refuses to turn her back on the other girls and young women constantly circled by these predators. She is an advocate for the growing number of them being pulled into the unimaginable terror that she survived. She's studying to become a lawyer, and plans to apply to Harvard. She's clearing the debts her traffickers anchored her to.

For the first time, Cassandra is sharing her story.

Read the full article on The Pointer: https://thepointer.com/article/2024-09-14/a-survivor-s-story-how-her-human-traffickers-were-aided-by-dangerous-pitfalls-in-our-child-protection-systems


Bill 41, Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023